Overcoming the "Jet Lag" terrors

Over the years, I've been on many long haul flights to Asia... and have had to suffer through many bouts of jet lag. I don't think there is any way to completely eliminate jet lag, but I've developed a decent system to minimize its effects. Below is a synopsis of my system.

First, it really depends on what time of day you arrive at your destination. I prefer arriving early in the afternoon (as opposed to late at night or early in the morning). My arrival time will effect how I deal with the airplane flight... and how I deal with the first day after arrival.

If arriving early in the afternoon, below are some flight & first day tips:
-Sleep as much as you can during the first half of your flight
**Don't take sleeping pills!!
**If you have trouble sleeping (or are forced to fly coach), have a couple glasses of wine (alcohol is free on international flights)
-Make sure not to sleep too much though... because this will affect how well you're able to sleep through the night upon arrival.
-When you arrive, do anything you can to stay awake until after 10PM
**Again, a glass or two of wine will help

If arriving early in the morning, follow same steps as above with one exception:
-Sleep as much as you can during the duration of your flight

If arriving at night, you will need to make a few adjustments:
-Stay awake for the duration of your flight. Yes, this might suck... but it will suck even more if arrive at your destination and aren't able to get to sleep until 6AM (and then sleep through the day... when you could be out doing stuff). By staying awake for the duration of your flight, you will be exhausted by the time you arrive at your hotel... and will fall right asleep.
**Occasionally, I will wake up around 4am and be wide awake. The key is to just clear your mind and relax.
**Again, a glass or two of wine will help upon arrival.

Now that you have the flight and Day 1 taken care of, you will have to deal with Day 2.
-When you wake up, have a quick snack (apple is good) and go to the gym.
-After the gym, have a full breakfast.
-No matter how good you feel in the morning, you're going to hit the "2PM wall". Do not nap!!.. because that will just screw you up the following day. If you feel exhausted, get up and walk around (preferably outside). Coffee will also help.
-If anyone offers to take you out to dinner, accept the invitation!! This will help keep you awake.
-Do not go to sleep until after 10PM  (11PM is better).
**Repeat these steps in Day 3 and Day 4. 

By day 3, the jetlag effects will start to dissipate... and by day 4, they should be almost gone.

Hope this helps!.. and enjoy your travels.

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